Friday, May 22, 2015

Final Exam: What Qualifies Something to be a Sport

All across America there are countless sports that people participate in, and then there are other activities that people may not call a sport due to lack of qualifications under ones conscious. People argue all the time when it comes to defining a sport. As if the most common sports such as baseball, football, basketball all require athletic ability and competition, they also require a form of defense where they try to prevent the other team from accomplishing their goal. For something to be referenced a sport, it should not be held on a judge’s basis like as in gymnastics, or diving. This argument has been around a very long time as people can’t accept some activities as sports. Although most activities that people argue have physical involvement, they do not meet the standards of some individuals. But those individuals also have different standards in determining a sport.
One of the most controversial sports that is argued to be a sport is cheer-leading. With cheer-leading there are two different types of it with competitive cheer-leading, and just your normal cheer-leading for your local teams. With your recreational cheer-leading, it should not be considered as a sport but more of an activity. With competitive cheer-leading though this is another story. As all across the nation competitive cheer-leading is taken very seriously and they hold competitions nationally. I would personally consider competitive cheer-leading to be a sport and that’s it with cheer-leading. We will never come to a full conclusion as if cheer-leading is a sport or not, but think of qualifications in your mind and determine that for yourself.
One of the qualifications is if there is another team or someone trying to prevent the other individuals from meeting their goals, whether it be scoring or reaching another position which is defense. If the sport has defense then it must have competition. These are some qualifications people would look at in determining a sport. Most people would also argue if the sport requires physical movement or involvement. Most activities require some form of movement but they lack the definition of defense. Some more qualifications are having endurance, strength, athletic ability, and strategy. These qualifications could almost fall into a lot of sports categories in determining it an actual sport, but they would have to meet all qualifications including defense.

If an activity doesn’t fall under the categories of being called a sport, then it could fall into other categories. These categories are athletic competitions, or athletic events. When activities have judges, the judges are not equivalent to referees or umpires. Having rules and regulations is another huge thing, but most organized activities or sports have those. In conclusion you must look at regulations or make your own and determine if certain activities could be accounted for a sport. If they can meet most of these regulations stated, then determine it a sport. One of the main key regulations though is defense. Having another individual trying to not allow you to reach your goal reflects a form of competition. Having competition could determine a sport. Arguments on basing something a sport will continue forever as people look at different views and regulations. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Red Sox Hold on for Win

As the Red Sox stepped up to the plate last night in their win over the Athletics, their youngest top guns came to shine. The young players that stepped up that have yet to turn 25 are Mookie Betts, Xander Bogaerts, Blake Swihart, and Matt Barnes. John Farrell the Red Sox GM had faith in his lineup and they needed confidence. Confidence was key as Betts, Bogaerts, and Swihart each notched up two hits on the night. Betts drove in two runs as Bogaerts scored once and Swihart with a great night scored twice along with being the tying run in the 7th inning to lead the team to extras. The 24 year old reliever Matt Barnes, did not have much recognition stepping into this game as each time he has the Sox resulted in a loss. As Barnes came in he only walked his first batter and was untouchable from there on out. Recorded three consecutive outs in the 10th, then followed pitching a perfect 11th inning. These young guns came to play in this game and shined to give the Red Sox their competitiveness within as Pablo Sandoval shot a home run in the 11th to obtain the win.